Having now completed a trip of some eight and a half thousand miles, six of which were in the States, I have a feel and a new respect for America in 2014. Mulling it over on those long, straight stretches of road that are part of the course here (and the only road you'll see if you're on Route 66), I'd say there are five pillars that make it work - that glue it together. For me, they underpin the American dream, are rock solid and are as embedded into the popular culture as burger and fries. So here are my five Cs that make America what it is today;
- Consumption - nothing makes an American happier than consuming things. Yes houses, yes food, yes cars, yes to more stuff (so more storage please). Stuff says success. And there is always more stuff. Most noticeable to me this time is pharmaceuticals. If you take TV adverts as an indicator, I reckon about half of them are selling drugs. I even saw a mainstream drug advertised to tackle a dry mouth - caused by taking too many drugs.
- Capitalism - the underlying political outlook of Americans is conservative - of preserving the status quo. And that means capitalism. Money talks. The political central ground is right wing. Take Obama's modestly left of centre reforms to raise the minimum wage and to increase health care costs to subsidise the poorest. Both are being fiercely opposed (sadly from all sides). Which presidency do I hear most talked about as a time to return to ? Ronald Reagan's.
- Church - "One day You Will Meet God". Bill boards like this litter the road side. If the drug companies own the TV, the church owns the road. Commonly, I will see advertised in a small town three, four or five churches with different denominations. And it doesn't feel like the tokenism & routine religion of the UK church. This appears entrenched and deeply felt. My favourite church sign reads - "Don't give the Devil a lift. He'll want to drive".
- Consensus - the American dream is so big, so complete, so all encompassing that everyone (outwardly anyway) gets it and buys it (why wouldn't you ?). This is the mass identity from tattooed teenagers, to fast food friendly families, to V8 trucks for men, to empowered women, to age defying pensioners...etc. Yes stereotypes but this is the land of the stereotype and they seem (broadly) true.
- Country - The biggest C is all about Pride (with a cap P) translated as "you're either with us or against us". Think flag poles. I watched Obama last week say (something like) "just because you've got the biggest hammer doesn't mean the answer is a nail". Words of reconciliation perhaps but easier to say when you're holding the hammer - and the American public know this.
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